Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Kataragama is a famous spot for pilgrimage for Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims. This is a small town located at a distance of about 238 Km from Colombo. This city is referred as Katirkamam. Often it is also known as Katharagama.
The main shrine of Kataragama is devoted to Hindu God Skanda. He is depicted as a god with 6 faces and 12 hands. This shrine is supposed to be built during 2nd century B.C. Centering this shrine of Skanda, an annual festival is observed in month of July or August. A long procession is also taken out during celebrating this religious event.

Within the temple premises of Kataragama an Islamic mosque has been built. Besides the principal shrine of Kataragama, there are 2 more shrines in the complex. One of them is dedicated to Hindu god, Lord Vishnu and the other to Lord Ganesha.
Kataragama is one of the principal pilgrimage sites for Buddhists. Kiri Vehera Dagoba is situated in Kataragama. According to the Buddhist legends, it is believed that Lord Buddha met King Mahasena who ruled Kataragama during that time. Thus, Sinhalese Buddhists consider Kataragama to be sanctified by Lord Buddha’s visits. The Kiri Vehara Dagoba has been built at the spot where King Mahasena listened to the discourses of Lord Buddha.

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