Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Deegavapi (Digavapi) Stupa -Ampara

Deegavapi is one of the 16 places which have been blessed by the Buddha's presence. Buddha was invited to Kelaniya by Mani Akkika of Naga Tribe, ruler of the Kelaniya region on his second visit to Nagadeepa. On the 8th year of attaining nirvana Buddha decided to visit Sri Lanka for the third time specially to Kelaniya. During this visit he came to Deegavapi with 500 arhaths and spends time meditating.
According to the the Mahavansa, great chronicle of Sri Lanka, this stupa was built by king Saddhatissa (137-119 BC). According to the same the king has also donated a jacket decorated with gold lotus flowers and various gems to cover the stupa.

...... "Moreover, he founded the Dighavapi-vihara together with the cetiya; for this cetiya he had a covering of network made set with gems, and in every mesh thereof was hung a splendid flower of gold, large as a wagon-wheel, that he had commanded them to fashion. (In honour) of the eighty-four thousand sections of the dhamma the ruler commanded also eighty-four thousand offerings. When the king had thus accomplished many works of merit he was reborn, after his death, among the Tusita gods.”...........

Since this location has been blessed by Buddha's presence, it is generally believed that this stupa is a "paribogika" stupa and no special relics have been enshrined. But historian venerable Ellawela Medananda thero believes that this stupa enshrines a nail relic of Buddha. An inscription on a gold foil unearthed during excavations discloses that King Kawanthissa (164-192) has done renovations to the stupa.

With passage of time, this temple was neglected with the internal conflicts of the country. King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe ( 1747 - 1781) seeing the status of the temple carried out major renovations and handed it over to Rev. Bandigide Negrodha thero along with 1000 'amunu' (2000-2500 acres) of land in 1756. Two stone inscriptions by King Saddhasissa and King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe have been in existence at the Deegavapi until last century but both of these have mysteriously disappeared now. But a copy of the Rajasinghe inscription which was made in 1845 exists today.

During British occupation of the country, the british took over all the land belonging to the temple and the in 1886 the British government agent in Batticaloa instructed to dig this 2000 year old stupa and carried the bricks and ancient granite slabs to be used in irrigation projects in the area. The british used the Muslims in the area to do his work as no Buddhist would take part in this destruction of this revered site. In the end only a mound was left over of this great stupa and was left to the jungle.

In 1916 a priest called Kohukumbure Revatha thero started searching for this stupa and he found some muslims carrying bricks in carts. When inquired, he was told that they were from a great brick mound deep in the jungle. He followed these cartsmen and found the Dageba in absolute ruins. He came back with few buddhists from colombo and started redeveloping this temple area and also managed to reclaim 250 acres of land back to the temple. By this time, Deegavapi area were dominated by Muslims who were given refuge in this area by King Senerath (1604 - 1635) when they were harassed in the coastal areas by the Portuguese. The king not only gave them refuge, but destroyed a portuguese fort at the port called "Deegavapi Thitha" for them to carry out their business activities freely. But in 1950 Kohukumbure Revatha thero was brutally murdered by a Muslim in the area.

The stupa has been 110 feet height when the archeological department started its renovation work in 1964, but a document by Badigode Buddharakitha thero has put the height to 185 feet in 1845. The circumference of the stupa is about 1000 feet. Currently a height of 30 feet has been restored.

Deegawapi StupayaThe Deegavapi Stupa lies about 18 kilometres east from Ampara town in an area dominated by Muslims. Today the land belonging to the temple premises including historical artifacts are under threat from Muslims and Muslim politicians who attempt to wipe out any signs Buddhists heritage in these areas. In the the recent past many conflicts has risen with the muslim politicians trying to destroy the temple artifacts which are spread over thousands of acres. While instances they have been saved most of the time they have been successful with the government turning a blind eye. Recently a parivara chethiya was bulldozed in constructing a road within the Deegavapi land. The LTTE terrorist activities since 1980 also helped this cause since access to this site by the general public was restricted. In the 80's the LTTE attacked a Singhalese village murdering 13 and injuring over 40. Until the LTTE was destroyed in 2008, Deegavapi was again left to few brave priests who risked their lives to maintain a Buddhist presence.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rankoth Vehera Stupa - Polonnaruwa

Rankoth Vehera (Golden Pinnacle Dagoba) was constructed by the king Nishanka Malla (1187 AD to 1196 AD). According to some of the historical facts this was constructed long before and the king Nissanka Malla did a renovation only. This stupa was constructed with in same shape as the Ruwanweli Maha Seya in Anuradhapura. Even according to the some historical facts, this was known as same name in those days.

This is 180 feet high and this is the tallest stupa build on Polonnaruwa period. Four "Vahalkada"s are around this Stupa and there are remaining of the shrine rooms located around this stupa premises. You can see the remaining of the sangawasa (Where the bikkus lived) towards the north and south sides of the stupa. The Stupa and the shrine rooms are located in square stage, surrounded by a brick wall.

File:Rankoth Vehera.jpg

Friday, March 29, 2013

Pothgul viharaya

This is the oldest library complex found in Sri Lanaka. Pothgul means for place to store books. This viharaya was billed by king Parakamabahu the Great (1153-1185 AD). This was renovated by Queen Chandrawathi.  A consort of King Parakarmabahu.

 Pothgul Viharaya is a Gedige type structure, build in the middle of the square shape stage. The interesting point in this building is the circular structure in the middle, seems the main library, made out of brick. The circular shape roof even made out of bricks it seems. There are remaining of four small stupas at the four corners of the floor. Out of it there are remaining of the several buildings which were used as awasa ( residential cells where Bikkus live).

Pothgul Viharaya desig is closer to the most of the old vihara found in Cambodia.

 Pothgul Viharaya Plan

Pothgul Viharaya - Circular Structure made out of bricks

 Residential cells where Bikkus lived

View from back side

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bomburu Ella - The Widest Waterfall in Sri Lanka

Bomburu Ella is in Uva - Paranagama provincial division of Badulla District of Sri Lanka. Bomburu Ella is one of the most beautiful waterfall in Sri Lanka and Not only that is the Widest Waterfall in Sri Lanka.

The waterfall is 50 Meters (165 feet) in height and waters of Bomburu Ella has been diverted to a powerhouse in that area and also for cultivation purposes. The waterfall originated from Kotakithula Mountain(2015 meters) and the walk towards the fall is a interesting one. Its Extremely dangerous to bath in this waterfall because of its rapid water flow.

In the colonial times Bomburu Ella was called "Fort Mcdonald River" and later it was called Pomuruella Oya, Dalgala Oya and Dulgaha Oya.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Nuwara Eliya

Nuwara Eliya is a mountain station at 1,868 m (6,128 ft) of altitude, in a splendid landscape. The city pretends to be particularly well-kept and neat, and the always green grass gives to the locality an aspect of “colonial British style".

Nuwara Eliya was built entirely during the 19th century and its architecture mimics that of an English country town, with red-brick walls, country house like hill club and mock-Tudor half-timbering.
Blessed with salubrious climate, breathtaking views of valleys, meadows, mountains and greenery; it's hard to imagine that Nuwara Eliya is only 180 Km from the hot and humid Colombo. Temperatures are 14C-21C (Jan- April) 16C-18C (May-Aug) 15C- 18C (Sept-Dec).


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Nawagamuwa Pattini Devalaya(Sri Sugathabimbaramaya)

Among the archaeologically significant sites in the Colombo District, Nawagamuwa Devale is important as a historic place of worship. Legend has it that the origin of this Pattini devale close to the Kelani river goes back to the early Anuradhapura period.

But, due to destruction by foreign forces and reconstruction over the years, little visible proof remains to confirm this belief. However, archaeological research has revealed several sites in the Nawagamuwa area to confirm that settlements in the area date back to a B.C. era.

When the early Aryan settlements were being established, Kelani river and Kelani thota were of importance. Nawagamuwa is located at the 13th milepost on the old Colombo - Ratnapura road. It is believed that during the early Anuradhapura period, Nawagamuwa belonged to the Kelani kingdom.

According to a popular legend, when King Gajaba 1 (A.D. 114 - 136) came from India with 12,000 men as prisoners, bringing with him a Pattini anklet, he alighted at the landing place close to the devale. It is said that he built a devale, enshrined the anklet and held poojas here. From then till the Kotte period no significant facts have been discovered about the site.

During the Kotte period, the area was known as Hewagam Korale, according to Rajavaliya. It is said that when Rajasinghe I fought the Portuguese forces at Mulleriyawa, his last camp was pitched here. After his victory, he named the area Hewagam Korale in gratitude to the Hewagama soldiers who came to his aid. During this period, it is said, Nawagamuwa was used as a jetty on the road connecting Colombo Fort with Malwana, Hanwella and Gurubebili. The Pattini Devale was then famed as the Pattini Kovil. The first historical mention of the Nawagamuwa Pattini Devale is found during the Kotte period. Mention is made in the 'Godagama Sannasa', made known by Buwanekabahu V (A.D. 1521 - 1580), of a royal decree for a gift of oil to be made for the Nawagamuwa Pattini Kovil perahera.

Ancient devale
During the Sitawaka period too this area was historically important. It is noted that when King Mayadunne (A.D. 1521 - 1580) set out to fight the Portuguese in the Colombo Fort, he stopped on his way at the Nawagamuwa Pattini Devale to make a vow before he went to war. According to Portuguese reports, in 1550, the Portuguese king sent 600 troops to help King Buwanekabahu V. They clashed with King Mayadunne at Nawagamuwa. It is also recorded that in 1576, the Portuguese army destroyed Nawagamuwa Devale and established an army camp there. The devale was rebuilt by King Mayadunne only to be destroyed again by the Captain of the Colombo fort, leaving a pile of ruins.

Mr. A.E.L.Tillekewardene of the Archaeological Department says that according to popular beliefs and historical data, Nawagamuwa devale was known as a pilgrim site from the beginning of the 15th century. Excavations around the devale from time to time unearthed building materials, wells, Dutch coins and iron implements of the middle ages. North of the old devale at what was known as the old landing place, coins used during the Dutch period in Ceylon, 1554 - 1765, have been found. Old stone posts have been found discarded on some of the private properties in the vicinity. Signs that a pier or similar erection had existed on a large flat rock by the riverside, have also been uncovered. These archeological artifacts were discovered when construction work on a suspension bridge across the river was in progress. The Archaeological Department then stepped in and construction has been discontinued until further research on the site is carried out.

During recent research conducted in the Nawagamuwa Devale area, remains of several buildings of the Kotte period and some buildings of the 19th century have been identified. The Department has declared eight archeologically important sites as protected monuments to be conserved. These sites are the Viharaya or Pilimage, the monks' abode or Sanghavasaya, Galkanu devale, Maha Pattini Devale, Vishnu, Kataragama and Dedimunda devales and the grove of ancient Na trees, which is over 100 years old.

The oldest of the shrines is the Galkanu devale. It was a 'tampita' devale, which is built on four stone posts, Mr. Tillekewardene explained. The original stone posts still remain. It is believed by some to be the site of the original Pattini devale. A shrine was rebuilt by Katuwawala Sri Sumanatissa Himi, the chief priest of the temple during A.D. 1813 - 1928.

When Sri Sumanatissa Himi first came to Nawagamuwa he built a small cadjan thatched dwelling place or 'Awasaya' at 'Thanayamwatte', where the fruit stalls are now. This place was known as thanayamwatte because there had been a rest house for travellers there. The autobiography of the learned Kalukonduwawe Sri Pagnasekera Nahimi, who was a student of Shri Sumanatissa Himi, describes the temple constructions undertaken by his guru. According to this the old name of the devale was Sri Sudarsharamaya, which was later changed to Sri Sugathabimbaramaya. It was Sri Sumanatissa Himi who also constructed a permanent abode for the monks.

After constructing the Galkanu devale, Sri Sumanatissa Himi constructed the monks abode or Sanghavasaya and the Vihare or Pilimage in 1894. The Maha Pattini devale and the Dharma shalawa were constructed later.

The facade of the Sanghavasaya, an old 19th century British period building is unfortunately defaced by the construction of a nondescript extension.

The Vihara also of the same period is a beautiful old building with a stone entrance and characteristic architecture. The stone pillars in front are believed to have been from a temple destroyed during the Portuguese period. The moonstone at the entrance is of the post Kandy period. The large reclining Buddha statue and wall paintings are in the style of the Kandy period. There are also 'doratupala' figures or guard stones and a 'Makara thorana'.

The Maha Pattini devale, which is the main devale on the premises is also from the 19th century but the front section had been added more recently. A gold plated statue of the goddess Pattini is enshrined within. Outside the Maha devale, is an old 'Asana' stone, dating back to the Kotte period, which is not in its original setting. The other five shrines stand in a row.

Of these the Vishnu, Kataragama and Dedimunda devales are of the 19th century while Saman and Moratu devales have been constructed recently.

The Archaeological Department has declared these important sites protected monuments to be preserved for future generations. Architectural conservation of the buildings is also being undertaken to preserve them in their original style as far as possible. Extensions such as the one to the Sanghavasaya would not be permitted in future.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Peradeniya Botanic Gardens

Peradeniya Botanic Gardens, botanical garden in Peradeniya, near Kandy, Sri Lanka, noted for its rich and varied collections of tropical woody plants. Occupying 59 hectares (146 acres), it has about 4,000 species of plants. The most important specimens of the garden include palms, some of which are planted in impressive avenues. Significant, too, are the collections of orchids, gymnosperms, and flowering trees.


The gardens were founded in 1821 primarily to introduce coffee trees and various other tropical plants of economic importance to the region. Even after it took on a more botanical emphasis in the 1840s, the garden remained a center for horticultural activities. Under the directorship of the botanist George H.K. Thwaites, the garden played a pivotal role in establishing the country’s flourishing tea industry in the late 1870s. Thwaites also brought in and cultivated the Brazilian rubber tree, which became a crop producer vital to Sri Lanka’s economy. The botanical collection has developed into one of the finest in the region.